Minimalistic LEGO Batmobiles

 Apparently these Batmobiles built with LEGO bricks don’t feature highly subtle details. But the catchy minimalistic style still catches our eyes. If you also like this kind of style, let’s go on checking.
Minimalistic LEGO Batmobiles
Minimalistic LEGO Batmobiles
The awesome LEGO Batmobiles are created by LEGO artist Calin. As we can see from the images, the Batmobile collection contains those iconic Batmobiles from Batman: The Dark Knight Rises and other series, these Batman’s vehicles include Tumbler, the Bat, Batpod, and various different Batmobiles. Although there is any highly subtle details on the LEGO Batmobile models, the talented LEGO artist cleverly used limited number of LEGO bricks to vividly display you those iconic elements and details on the Batmobile models. After the break, check out the images about the minimalistic LEGO Batmobiles, and for more images jump to the connection page on Flickr.
Minimalistic LEGO Batmobiles
Minimalistic LEGO Batmobiles
Minimalistic LEGO Batmobiles
Minimalistic LEGO Batmobiles


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